Skyn Rejuvenation Therapy
(PRP Microneedling)

PRP Microneedling utilizes Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) or “Liquid Gold” as we like to call it, to stimulate cell growth within the body. The patient’s blood is drawn, processed, and then used for treatment. PRP is a concentration of platelets, which circulate through your blood and are critical for blood clotting. Platelets and the liquid plasma portion of the blood contain many factors that are essential for cell recruitment, multiplication, specialization, and regeneration.

Microneedling itself, creates multiple micro injuries that stimulate your body to work wonders to regenerate healthy skin cells, collagen, and elastin, bringing out your skin's natural radiance. The amazing benefits of PRP microneedling can be used to diminish the appearance of scarring, pigmentation problems, fine lines, wrinkles, texture, and tone, leaving you with a complexion that's simply flawless!

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